PUTscan Manual

1. Introduction

PUTscan, a crucial integral part of the PUT ecosystem, devotes itself to building a platform with fast queries, accurate data, and powerful visualization for all users. It provides data on the PUT blockchain to inform users of chain events, manage their accounts, track their transactions, and find investment opportunities in the ecosystem. This manual is designed to help users and developers use PUTscan. It includes:

  • Guidance

  • Terms

  • Website Structure

  • More

This document will be updated with our new features and information.Let's get started.

2. Guidance

2.1 View wallet details

PUTscan is used to acquire information about the PUT blockchain and view your PUT wallet details. The following are the specific steps:

1.Open the website of PUTscan in a browser (https://www.putscan.com/)

2.Enter your PUT wallet address in the search bar.

3.Then you can see the wallet details including balance, token address, transaction records, and transfers.

Note: The PUT wallet address usually consists of a string of 44 characters and numbers which are randomly arranged. When entering the address, please ensure that it is correct to avoid getting wrong results or personal information disclosure.

Video Guide:

2.2 View transaction information

1.Open the website of PUTscan in a browser (https://www.putscan.com/)

2.Enter your transaction hash in the search bar.

3.Then you can see your transaction status, PUT balance change, Token balance change, and more information.

Note: Following are some term descriptions to help you better understand the transaction information.

Video Guide:

3. Terms

4. Website Structure

4.1 Home

a. Navigation Bar: This is the main window when users interact with PUTscan for the first time. In the navigation bar, you can find the relevant browsing data and functional modules.

b. Search Bar: Users can search by address, token, block, transaction, URL, and other types to get the relevant data.

c. Information Board: This board displays the PUT data, transaction data, TPS, block height, slot height and other related data in the PUT ecosystem.

d. Latest Blocks: Here you can see the number of transactions on the latest blocks and the rewards produced on the blocks. Users can view more information about blocks as well.

e. Transactions and Tokens: Here you can see the latest transactions and popular tokens on the PUT blockchain. It can help traders to track the trends of the market.

f. TPS: Users can monitor the change of TPS in different time ranges at the bottom of the PUTscan Home page.

4.2 Token Details

a. Token Information: This page displays the market overview and a brief introduction of the token, which can help users understand the basic situation of the token on the blockchain.

b. Transfers: Here will display the transfer information of the token, including transaction ignature, timestamp, transfer-out address, transfer-in address, and other information, which can be exported in a form via the export icon in the upper right corner, convenient for users to check and save.

c. Transactions: Here will display the transaction information of the token, including transaction signature, block number, timestamp, transfer-in address, fees, and other information, which can help users understand the transaction status of the token.

d. Holders: This page shows information about token holders including the quantity and percentage of tokens owned by the holders.

4.3 Account Details

a. Account Information: Here we will show the relevant information about the account, such as account address, and PUT balance to help users understand the basic situation of the account.

b. Token account: Here you can see all the token accounts attached to this account, including the token type, PUT balance, token balance, and other information.

c. Transactions: Here will display all the transaction records of the account. You can see the transaction signature, block number, timestamp, transfer-in address and other relevant information.

d. PUT Transfers: This will display the records of PUT transfers in this account and users can export the related data by clicking the export icon in the upper right corner.

e. PPL Transfers: This will display the records of PPL transfers in the account, and you can export the related data by clicking the export icon in the upper right corner.

4.4 Block Details

a. Block Information: Here will display some basic information about the block, such as block number, timestamp, block hash, and number of transactions to help users understand the situation of the block.

b. Transactions: Here you will see the transactions generated in the block, transaction signatures, associated instructions, transfer-in addresses, and fees.

4.5 Transaction Details

a. Overview: This shows the data related to the transaction, such as signature, block number, timestamp, result, fee, etc. It also provides the transaction details as well as the program log.

b. PUT Balance Change: Here shows the change of PUT balance for different accounts.

c. Token Balance Change: Here shows the change of token balance for different accounts.

4.6 Token Account

a. Basic Information: Basic information about the token account, such as PUT balance, token name, token address, and token balance, helps users view details of their token account.

b. Transactions: The information here, including transaction signature, block number, timestamp, receiving address, and fees, can help users understand the transactions of the token account.

c. PPL Transfers: PPL transfer records here can be exported by clicking the top right “Export to CSV” icon.

Last updated